Our Mission


The mission of Life of Victory International Christian Ministries is to help build Healthy families Healthy homeowners and Healthy Communities. Our mission is designed to provide Counseling and Education to empower communities utilizing education, counseling, coaching, and practical application. The program services intent is to help consumers make wise decisions regarding money management and increase wealth and built successful homeowners. 

Life of Victory International Christian Ministries is a faith-based ministry applying Biblical principles to enhance the life for communities and individuals by providing education that helps build wealth and financial well being. This, in turn, will help whole communities become empowered and self-sufficient. An educated well-informed customer produces empowerment and long-term sustainability in our communities.

Life of Victory International Christian Ministries is a HUD-approved comprehensive housing counseling agency founded in 2000 to serve residents in Middle Tennessee area through Foreclosure Prevention Counseling, Homebuyer Education, and Financial Literacy as well as referral to community resources. Life of Victory is also certified through Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA) as certified Homebuyer Education Trainers in the state of Tennessee and is an adoptee of the national industry standards for Homeownership Education in Foreclosure Prevention Counseling. 

Since the inception of Life of Victory International Christian Ministries, over 5,000 in homebuyer education in Foreclosure Prevention. Life of Victory has received numerous awards for homebuyer education in foreclosure Prevention in regards to the number of customers served in Homebuyer Education and leadership in preventing foreclosures.

"Healthy Families", "Healthy Homeowners" and "Healthy Communities".

"Healthy Families", "Healthy Homeowners" and "Healthy Communities".

The Vision of Life of Victory is to assist low and moderate income to obtain affordable sustainable homeownership thereby building wealth and building "Healthy Families", "Healthy Homeowners" and "Healthy Communities". This will happen through partnerships, collaboration, and providing Comprehensive Housing Counseling in the areas of homebuyer education, Foreclosure Prevention, Financial Literacy, and Community Building. Homeownership is the most successful means of building wealth for low and moderate income persons. It also creates independence and leads toward future vitality, health, and economic stabilities is for our communities.